2016 is off to a good start!! Two short films to shoot in the coming weeks and a two week stint in the New Theatre with ‘ Madame De Markievicz on Trial’ ,a nationwide tour then a trip to the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris. Not to mention a devised project to put together with young students in Carnew Secondary school for May. My drama workshops will end next week at the National Learning Network but it has inspired and uplifted me every week and I will miss them and my Friday mornings there.

I am grateful for all the opportunities that have come my way and every day I open myself up to the universe and keep my eyes and ears open to the possibilities all around me. I always remind my drama students to keep opening, keep extending and never become predictable. I ask them to note even the smallest possible change after each workshop, this could be their greatest discovery! I find sharing my knowledge of drama has refined my own craft and helped me focus on my goals. So let’s keep on, keepin’ on.

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