ÓR Productions is a new company based in Co. Wicklow. ÓR Productions goal is to deliver theatre of a high standard, work that is new and fresh and is a relevant voice in todays world. We hope to create new works using devising, movement, original music and collaborations with excellent and exciting artists. Our first production ‘Witness’ by Cecilia Parkert debuted at the Courthouse Arts Centre Tinahely, Wicklow in Dec 2104 and toured to Galway Theatre Festival 2015 for a two nights performance at an Taidhbhearc na Gaillimhe.
Andrea will attend a four day Advanced Training Workshop with award winning theatre company Frantic Assembly in London from the 13-16 November 2017. Along with 15 other participants Andrea will devise a piece of work as a company and perform to an invited audience at the end of the four days training.https://www.franticassembly.co.uk/workshops/advanced-training
Andrea has been chosen as one of the participants in 2017 Space Programme run by the Performance Corporation. A weeklong residency at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre Annaghmakerrig in Monaghan exploring collaborations and ideas. http://www.theperformancecorporation.com/space-programme-2017/
Andrea has been working as an artist in residence in the Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely, Co Wicklow https://courthousearts.ie/ and have completed a 10 week Research and Development phase. You can read all about my creative process and discoveries on my blog page.
Some audience feedback from our first production of ‘WITNESS’
” Powerful exploration”,
“Simplistic,effective, present as witness”
“Beautifully layered”,
“Brings awareness on all levels”,